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You can get involved in the following ways:

1. You can help us in connecting with the organisations who are already working hard and putting efforts for a better future of the un privileged children not only in India but all over the world. 

2. Help us in reaching out to children who are looking for better future and we will try from our end to help them in the best way possible. 

3. If you already have an initiative and look to connect where we can be help to each other - we would be more than happy to be part of this journey. 


4. Spread the word for the society and help us in connecting with more people who also believe in same cause or if you look forward to be part of our Travel to Discover trips you can be a volunteer and spread the word for the society. 

5. Donations - You can donate any amount in Dollar ,  which will go for the welfare of the unprivileged children. 

This is Just a start , Hope we go far with this.

Please connect - Drop a note on and we will surely get in touch with you. 

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