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Home away from Home - 4 years - Orthodox Easter

Enjoying the spring sun - #Brasov Always a great feeling to be back_._._._

Enjoying the spring sun - #Brasov Always a great feeling to be back_._._._

Making friends along the way - La Revedere - Goodbye_._

Making friends along the way - La Revedere - Goodbye_._

Joy of Life and we are making the most of it.

Joy of Life and we are making the most of it.

Day Beautiful - Work View -

Day Beautiful - Work View -

Let's play - _Mickey_._._._

Let's play - _Mickey_._._._

Nature Walks - II_._

Nature Walks - II_._

_Nature Walks__._._._

_Nature Walks__._._._

Good times_._._._

Good times_._._._

_Easter Sunny Sunday_ - Hiking Day_._._._

_Easter Sunny Sunday_ - Hiking Day_._._._

It's been such a beautiful week. Enjoying the spring sun

It's been such a beautiful week. Enjoying the spring sun

Nature Walks_._

Nature Walks_._

Home away from Home

Home away from Home

Way back home_._._._

Way back home_._._._

Budapest Calling , Let's Travel now

Budapest Calling , Let's Travel now

Hristos a înviat_._._._

Hristos a înviat_._._._

Spring time_._

Spring time_._

Path ahead is beautiful - Orthodox_Easter -  a beautiful day - Sun is shining - God Bless_._._

Path ahead is beautiful - Orthodox_Easter - a beautiful day - Sun is shining - God Bless_._._

Spring time ._._

Spring time ._._

When you sit and enjoy that moment of pure peace_._

When you sit and enjoy that moment of pure peace_._

While hiking in the Carpathians_._

While hiking in the Carpathians_._

Last few days have just been wonderful. One of the tuffest Goodbye ever

Last few days have just been wonderful. One of the tuffest Goodbye ever



The moment when you look back and appreciate the journey done to reach where you stand and the journ

The moment when you look back and appreciate the journey done to reach where you stand and the journ

Full glory 😎_._

Full glory 😎_._

Enjoying nature and all the peace it has to offer. ._._

Enjoying nature and all the peace it has to offer. ._._

Beautiful sunny lazy day_._._

Beautiful sunny lazy day_._._

Lost in Translation_._

Lost in Translation_._

Gonna miss this place - Bidding Goodbye - Three Musketeers_._

Gonna miss this place - Bidding Goodbye - Three Musketeers_._

Present is beautiful_._

Present is beautiful_._

The feeling and the view both are priceless -  somewhere in the Carpathians._._

The feeling and the view both are priceless - somewhere in the Carpathians._._

Growing in the backyard - _Cherry Wax_ - Spring time_._._._

Growing in the backyard - _Cherry Wax_ - Spring time_._._._

The sun is out again - Spring Time_._

The sun is out again - Spring Time_._

Three Musketeers_._._

Three Musketeers_._._

If you can get up every morning with a view like this - Enjoying the Spring Sun - window with a view

If you can get up every morning with a view like this - Enjoying the Spring Sun - window with a view

When you know you are gonna miss this little paradise so badly , the tuff part of travel is always G

When you know you are gonna miss this little paradise so badly , the tuff part of travel is always G

 "Two Birds - India to Romania - Home away from Home"


Time has a beautiful story to tell. Follow the heart. 


"Travel for Love and Love for Travel takes you to places and you connect with them forever "

"This time the birds did not meet as well...SAD but this is Life"

"Everything in Life happens for a reason and whatever happens, happens for the best of all world's"

Follow the Heart - She said...In return, she forgot to follow her's


"Travel to Discover"  


Jain - Iordan

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