Kerela Road trip | Travel To Discover
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Kochi - Munnar - Alleppey - Varkala - 20th Jan'18 to 29th Jan'18

 God has a beautiful plan for all - Live - Love - Laugh - Travel - Lifetime of memories -

Road Trip Kerela - Kochi - Munnar - Alleppey - Varkala 
Time flew like a flash


Where to start from and where to end.Everything feels like yesterday.We were returning from Meghalaya road trip and while returning, my father jokingly said next trip we will do Kerela and after 4 months we met in Kerela for a 10-day travel making memories of lifetime, experiences which will make us a better human being down the road and lots of love for each other.


Looking back it feels 10 days went like a flash - we all met at the Kochi airport after 2 months when we last met, excited to be together as always because life never gave all 3 of us a chance to live under the same roof,we as a family have always been meeting on travel to share our true self. Drive to Fort Kochi got us excited and curious what the road ahead has for us. The minute we entered we were greeted by an Elephant which is considered lucky and pure in Kerela - I felt as a positive sign to our journey ahead.Kerela was also a travel where I was introducing my parents to the people by staying at their houses whom I met during my travel in 2015. 


Red's residency in Fort Kochi a beautiful home of Philip and Maryann was our base from where we starting exploring this small and beautiful city having the influence of so many religions and countries.Starting from Dutch palace to St.Cruz Basilica to Temples to Synagogue to Jew quarter to Princess street to local markets to beaches to all the food Kochi was offering us to never-ending conversations about life - Past - Present and Future kept us going.I could see the health of my parents not doing well but still, they were trying to explore in their own way.


Walking, talking, drinking and laughing time flew in Kochi.The afternoon went lazing around Cherai beach drinking beers and watching never-ending waves, evenings went watching the sunset from Willingdon Island and nights with dinner at the Old Lighthouse.My mom and Dad managed and like curious people interacting with their own mix of English - Hindi to all the people they were meeting on their travel.It's the experience that matters and that's what we were there for.After Kochi, we were on our way for some solitude and away from city life, mountains called us and we were in the beautiful hill town "Munnar" covered with the Nilgiri hills.


Munnar was the peaceful time and little adventure we all wanted - driving at night to playing music to singing to standing on top of the hills in the unknown area and watching the sun go down and then finally reaching hotel where you have never-ending panoramic views of the beautiful hills waiting for you and we sat in balcony sipping French wine.Nights have always been the best for a long conversation - all 3 worried about each other without caring for themselves.All asking each other are you happy? and if you are fine then I am fine came the reply from all directions.My father saying you are living a different life which makes me worry and I am happy for you and for all the answers we all are looking for let's leave them for time to answer.


Morning in Munnar is crisp, fresh and very natural.You are in the lapse of nature - Mom and dad doing work out in the morning, you have unblocked panoramic views of Nilgiri hills and amazing tea.Nature kept us going exploring hidden viewpoints, tea plantation, watching Kathakali the classical dance of Kerela, then experiencing a brave performance of local and traditional martial arts "Kalaripayattu".The night took us on a journey of past where we discussed the life of two birds and my connection with Zarnesti. Not easy to speak but you share your toughest time with your family because they will understand you and even if they don't deep down you know you did it all for Love because you believed in it and still do.

Time flew - No idea when Munnar said goodbye and we were off to the beauty of backwaters in Alleppey.


Backwaters in Alleppey still beautiful like last time but this time it was with parents.Roaming around local markets, exploring and being a guide and friend to your parents is the best feeling you go through.You are sharing what you Love and they are the reason behind it.The night went chillingly with Johnson and friends from Alleppey as always. Next day it was an introduction to Ayurveda what Kerela has really to offer followed by a boat ride across the Alleppey backwaters where we all three were lost in nature and kind of lost in our ways.That time was beautiful.Glad we were together.Beautiful memories.Evening welcomed us with a beautiful sunset and great food right at the Alleppey beach.We all were going through priceless moments.The time came and we bid goodbye to Alleppey saying we will come back for more and we were on our way to Varkala.


Varkala is a beautiful paradise hidden in South of Kerela - a small beach town with beautiful views of the Arabian sea and a great walking cliff promenade from where you could see the whole sea dancing in front of you.The great part was we were staying right at the beach with a beautiful view.My parents were chilling and the sea was playing its own music whole night.Long walks and never-ending conversations kept us going.Varkala was the most peaceful time we could have.


10 days on the road in Kerela and lifetime of memories.Words are less to describe the emotions we went through.Every travel brings a positive change in your attitude towards life.


My father says he never saw the life the way I am seeing and for me that's the whole point of sharing what I have.My mom as always says this is her last travel - but I always say the most beautiful one still awaits. 


Every passing travel I see my parents realizing the value of each other - The toughest ride of two individuals I have ever witnessed - they both pulled it off.To more travels ahead.


Let's follow the heart and walk into the unknown because we as humans don't know what waits for us.Miracles only happen when you are dreaming with a pure heart.One life lets live in on LOVE.


Kerela is indeed a beautiful state of India to travel.It's called God's own country for a reason and you discover it when you travel by yourself.Travel to Discover


"Happiness is real when Shared - Coming back to Life"

The deepest form of Love is Curiosity - Iordan 

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