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Hardbound travel  journal comes in both strokes ruled and non ruled. The inspiration behind is to have a city based theme connecting wanderers , visual story tellers and creative minds. 


The cover pictures of notebooks are all taken during travel tours by our team and idea is to connect the person buying with those cities or to give inspiration to go out and explore. 


Size : 100 gsm 

Page : 48 sheets / 96 pages 

Dimensions : 14cm*20cm*2cm - Wt - 250 gms or .25 Kg


Paper inside the journal is 100% recycled cotton paper which is wood free and ecofriendly.
*Hand Bound 
*Hand Sewn

Hardbound Travel Diary

ā‚¹480.00 Regular Price
ā‚¹432.00Sale Price
Sales Tax Included |
  • Non Returnable and Non Refundable once delivered

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